Closing the Loop by Operationalizing Systems Engineering and Design (CLOSED)
Specific Aims :
Aim 1:​Use systems engineering and patient engagement to design, develop, and refine a highly reliable “closed loop” system for diagnostic tests and referrals that ensures diagnostic orders and follow-up occur reliably within clinically- and patient-important time-frames.
Aim 2: Use systems engineering and patient engagement to design, develop, and refine a highly reliable “closed loop” system for symptoms that ensures clinicians receive and act on feedback about evolving symptoms and physical findings of concern to patients or clinicians.
Aim 3: Design for generalizability across health systems more broadly so that the processes created in Aims 1 and 2 are effective in (1) a practice in an underserved community, (2) a large tele-medicine system, and (3) a representative range of simulated other health system settings and populations.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Results to Date:
Nicole Nehls, B.S.

Nicole is a Research Coordinator managing several HSyE project portfolios while working on team-based and individual projects as a Systems Engineer. Nicole joined HSyE as a summer intern in 2017 while earning her Bachelor’s in Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) at the University of Florida. Nicole returned to HSyE in 2019 as Research Coordinator and is currently pursuing her Master’s in Health Informatics at Northeastern University. Nicole is passionate about healthcare improvement and is eager to see how ISE and health informatics will advance the healthcare system especially regarding the quality of care!
Joined HSyE: 2017
Hometown: Buffalo, NY
MS, Health Informatics, Northeastern University (expected 2021);
BS, Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Florida (2018)
Research Interests: Epidemic Modelling, Data Analytics, Health Informatics, Quality Control and Improvement, Diagnostic Error, Population Health Management, Preventive Care
Hobbies: Fitness, hiking, crafting, reading, spending time with family and friends
Project Involvement at HSyE
COVID Epidemic Statistical Monitoring (2020-Present)
AHRQ Patient Safety Learning Lab: Closed Loop Diagnostics (2019-Present)
Surgical Site Infection Reduction (2017-2020)
SSI Signal Characterization (2017)
C. difficile (2017-2019)
Prevented HAI Health and Cost Outcomes Analysis (2018-Present)
Maine Medical Center: Cohorting Analysis (2019-Present)
Maine Medical Center: Shared Decision Making (2019-Present)
Vaping Epidemic Modelling (2019-Present)
Opioid Epidemic Location Allocation (2017)
Nehls N, Fuller T, Bargal B, Bates D, Singer S, Phillips R, Benneyan J. A National Program to Partner Healthcare and Systems Engineering Researchers: The AHRQ Patient Safety Learning Labs. Poster Presented at RISE; April 4, 2019; Boston, MA.
Nehls N, Holler N, Ilies I, Anderson D, Jacobsen M, Baker A, Benneyan J. Investigating Statistical Process Control for Surveillance of C. difficile Infections. Poster Presented at HSPI Conference; February 21-23, 2018; Atlanta, GA.
Nehls N, Holler N, Ilies I, Anderson D, Jacobson M, Baker A, Benneyan J. Performance of Statistical Process Control Charts for Detecting Clinically-Significant Adverse Event Outbreak Patterns. Poster Presented at IHI National Forum; December 10-13, 2017. Orlando, FL.
Nehls N, Ilies I, Benneyan J, Baker A, Anderson D. Potential Health and Cost Outcomes of Optimized Statistical Process Control Use for Surgical Site Infection Surveillance. Poster presented at IDWeek; October 2-6, 2019; Washington, D.C.
Bilantuono A, Etherton C, Nehls N, Ilies I, Benneyan J, Baker A, Anderson D. Performance of Statistical Process Control Charts for Detecting Clinically-Significant Increases in Clostridium difficile Infection Rates. Poster presented at IDWeek; October 2-6, 2019; Washington, D.C.
Baker A, Nehls N, Ilies I, Benneyan J, Anderson D. Use of Dual Statistical Process Control Charts for Early Detection of Surgical Site Infection Outbreaks at a Community Hospital Network. Talk presented at IDWeek; October 2-6, 2019; Washington, D.C.